"Billie's Photo Memories"
film by Ashley Cook
“It’s a shame we don’t write more on the back of photographs.” Billie Lusk, age 94, looks down at a small black and white photograph in her wrinkled hands. A frown tugs at the corner of her lips. More photographs lay scattered on the floor around her, memories she cannot place. She sighs, “I forget a lot of things.” As Billie tries to recall anecdotes, names and faces, she circles from story to story, blending them until they are indistinguishable from one another. Yet, as she speaks, Billie is surprised by the floodgates that open, memories rushing back. Her mouth melts into an amazed smile and she remarks, “It’s funny when you start to remember things that had been so long ago that you have to stop and think, really and truly!”
"Billie's Birthday Memories" (9:57)